
It’s Alton’s 4th birthday today!

From the itty bitty kitten who was small enough to sit on my laptop….

and could fit into 12-pack boxes of Diet Coke…

and tried to nurse on his kitty bed.

To this big guy who can barely fit in the top section of the kitty condo…

and prefers sleeping on Zeus’ dog bed.

Happy 4th birthday, Alton!

This Guy

Alton has been my big buddy for the past 2-3 weeks. Above, he’s snoozing on the sofa with me while I was watching tv. I had to snap this photo with my iPhone as evidence of his behavior. Usually Alton is a bit on the anti-social side, but lately he’s been hanging around more and more. I think he know’s that I’m knocked up.

Not only is he hanging out on the sofa, but he has also been sleeping on the bed more, which he had all but quit when Savannah came along. On more than one occasion I’ve woken up to find Alton sitting next to my pillow, staring at me. Can you say creeper?


But not only is he sleeping on the bed (which historically means sleeping next to our legs) but he’s curling up right next to my side. I woke up last night on my back (oops) with my arm around Alton who was curled up and filling up all of the space between my armpit and elbow. Highly unusual for this guy!


Hopefully this will all translate to Alton *not* trying to suffocate the baby when it gets here.

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone had a splendid Christmas and is gearing up for a wonderful New Year.

I’ve been on vacation since Dec 20th, and it has been amazing. I’m dreading the return to work on Jan 3rd. We headed into Roanoke for Christmas, but had to cut our trip short and return home on Christmas Day to avoid the snow.


We’ve been hanging around the house this week. Savannah has been enjoying long naps on the heating pad.


I hope that you have had a fun and relaxing holiday as well! Today we’re gearing up for a low-key New Years Eve here at home with our friends Josh & Casey.

See you in 2011!

Happy Birthday

To the world’s cutest kitten!

Savannah is turning the big 0-1 today. She may technically be a cat now, but she’ll always be a kitten to us.

It’s In The Bag

I figured I’d keep with the bag theme I started yesterday when Lola arrived. Our cats love all types of items they can jump into and out of, bags included. Now, its no secret that Savannah loves to sleep on our bench by the garage door. She usually sleeps there around 5-6pm and is sitting on the bench waiting for us to come in the house from the garage when we get home from work. So it shouldn’t have been a surprise the other day when I was looking around the house for her {there’s a tendency for the cats to get shut in closets/pantries} and found her on the bench.

In my LLBean tote bag.


