Garden Update

I’m back with another check in the garden. Our tomatoes are looking good, but I definitely need to get out there this weekend and tend to them some. It’s also time for some more tomato food and some miracle grow.

They’re getting big and we have a handful of baby tomatoes.
Garden 06-10-10

Garden 06-10-10

Our Roma tomato plant has failed. I’m not sure what happened, but it has no flowers and no sign of new growth. I think we might just pull it out. Moving along to the other veggie bed, lets check in on the peppers.

The parsley is looking good.
Garden 06-10-10

So are the bell peppers. They’re much smaller than I expected and we ended up having one fall off the plant. I’m going to have to keep a closer eye on these babies.
Garden 06-10-10

The peppers on the other plant are a skinnier variety.
Garden 06-10-10

Then we’ve got the jalapeno. We actually ate this after I snapped the photos.
Garden 06-10-10

Garden 06-10-10

Then there are the chili peppers. I have no clue how to know when these suckers are ripe.

Garden 06-10-10

How is your garden growing? Any harvests yet? Y’all have a wonderful weekend!

Backyard After: Day 2

I don’t have a picture of the conclusion of Day 1 before Day 2’s work was underway. And I dont really have any in-progress pictures from day 2. Basically they dug holes, planted trees, and put down mulch. Our landscaper had some dwarf grasses left over from another project that he wanted to get rid of, so we scored three of these babies for f-r-e-e!

If necessary, refresh your memory of our before here. And now shots from the same location as the before pics:



And some close ups:




And the all-important view from our deck:

Next up on my list? Bird bath. Bird feeder. Bird house. To go somewhere between/around these trees. All for the cats, of course 😉

Backyard After: Day 1

Our backyard mini-makeover, mostly in pictures.

Removing the grass:


The sod cutter helped make this easy work.


Most of the grass is up:


11am. 3 tons of rock dumped into my driveway:


The varying sizes of rock help make the bed look more natural:


Landscaping fabric down (to help keep the rock from sinking into the ground when wet), starting to move rock into place:




At the end of day 1 we had all the grass up and rock down. Come back tomorrow to check out day 2’s progress and final reveal as the trees get planted and mulch goes down!

Garden Update

Our veggies have been in the ground for just about a month now. Since the threat of frost is behind us and the temps are starting to soar, I’m anticipating a real growth spurt in the next month.

I finally got around to staking our tomatoes and I’ve seen a few flowers on our Roma plant.

The Bell Pepper plant has flowers too!

And the Basil is thriving. We need to start using it!

How’s your garden fairing?

Backyard Before

After a slight delay, we’re having our dry river bed, River Birch, and October Glory Maple installed today! So we’re going to start off with some “before” pictures of the backyard as it’s been {mostly} since we moved in just over 2 years ago.

{These photos scan the back of the yard from left to right. The left side is staying as is, and the 2 trees are going in on the right side}


I’ll be back with “after” pictures as soon as I can snap ’em!

Bloomin’ Good

I spent a good handful of hours outside on Saturday planting some annuals I picked up at the garden store. This year I got a bag of pebbles to use as “mulch” in the planters to help keep the soil moist and to help keep the soil from washing away. I got one gerber daisy, then a sizable number of zinnias (assorted colors). I got a 4pack of pansies to round out my loot. Oh! And some little purple flowers that I can’t remember the name of.

I also snagged a gardenia for only $25!

What annuals keep you coming back year after year?